Troop 1134 Google Calendar

Troop 1134 Green Bay

BSA Troop 1134 (Green Bay, WI) meets each Thursday night at 6:30 - 8 p.m. in the Gym at Annie Jackson Elementary School. No meeting 2nd Thursday each month. Troop 1134 is for boys from age 11-18. We have annual winter, spring and fall family camps with Cub Scout Pack 4134 as well as a Polar Bear Camp each November. We spent one week at Camp Hiawatha in Munising, MI as well as one week at Gardner Dam Camp in White Lake, WI this summer. Two of our leaders spent a week at Boundary Waters Canoe Area. One of our scouts also went with a different group to BWCA.

Sunday, August 31, 2014

101 reasons to join Troop 1134!

101 reasons to join Troop 1134! (by M.C. but not M.C. Hammer)

1. Sunday donuts
2. Playing Muckle and not letting S.S. win! (But he Still Does anyways....)
3. Gardner Dam Scoutcamp
4. Dodgeball!
5. Badger Sports park
6. upside down kayaking meritbadge
7. citizenship in the world secret agent edition this fall
8. Emergency preparedness zombie edition?
9. Learning to tie 10001 knots, another book by M.C. but not M.C. Hammer
10. Hammock Tent camping
11. Eclairs
13. Mountain Dew Cake.(We need to make that again..)
14. JAX Camp
15. Camp Hiawatha's goatherders' stove and splitting firewood
16. Football
17. Ultimate Frisbee
18. Capture the Flag
19. Eagle, Snake Bear: the game
20. Electronics Lock-In?
21. Sleeping Bags!
22. Hiking Merit Badge
101. Brat + Fry = Filled belly.

(to be continued Someday)

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